

CSD celebrates 1st batch of Cyber Safety Ambassadors initiative

February 25, 2024 / 4:45 PM
The Child Safety Department (CSD), an affiliate of the Supreme Council for Family Affairs in Sharjah, has recently celebrated a major milestone in its commitment to online safety by honouring the first batch of its Cyber Safety Ambassadors initiative.
Since the appointment of the ambassadors in 2019, these committed young individuals have played an instrumental role in safeguarding more than 6,000 children and youth from the potential perils of cyberspace. Their efforts have been instrumental in highlighting the importance of safe and responsible internet usage, and through their leadership in various awareness campaigns, initiatives, and workshops, these ambassadors have made a noticeable impact, contributing to a safer online environment for the youth.

The dual nature of the Internet
Hanadi Al Yafei, Director General of CSD, delivered a speech during a celebration organised by the Emirates News Agency (WAM), where she stressed the dual nature of the Internet. She highlighted its immense benefits for communication, learning, self-improvement, and skill acquisition, as well as the importance of navigating these advantages without falling prey to associated risks.

During the speech Al Yafei said, “Our comprehensive strategy at CSD encompasses raising awareness about appropriate online behaviour through seminars, media materials, and collaboration with various organisations. This initiative targets all community segments, ensuring a wide-reaching impact.”

“At CSD, we work on a comprehensive approach to create awareness on how to conduct oneself in this digital space. Our efforts include education and guidance through seminars, meetings, and media materials which are curated for all members of the community, most notably, parents and children. This is coupled with cooperation and partnerships with various bodies and institutions, launching targeted programs and initiatives that directly address the multifaceted aspects of responsible digital behaviour, ensuring a comprehensive and effective approach to digital awareness,” Al Yafei elaborated.

Digital awareness for the hearing-impaired

In celebration of Safer Internet Day, CSD launched awareness videos on social media in sign language crafted by the ambassadors. These videos, catered to the hearing-impaired community, have successfully engaged audiences by highlighting key safety practices and privacy maintenance tips.

A series of workshops on cyber security
CSD's engagement also extended into the national campaign for child protection launched by the Ministry of Education and the Emirates Foundation for School Education. The campaign aims to foster a secure digital culture among students, teachers, and families. Through educational workshops, participants were educated on various topics, including cyberbullying, children's mental skills development, and the responsible use of artificial intelligence (AI) in cybersecurity.

Dr Bana Bouzaboon, mental health director at Kanaf, led a workshop for parents and teachers titled “Digital Etiquette for Our Children,” outlining effective methods for fostering intellectual development in children and adolescents via the Internet and other technology. It provided a platform allowing participants to share their experiences and challenges while guiding the younger generation in best practices when using the Internet.

Using AI safely and responsibly

Another workshop led by Nahla Hamdan, Deputy Director of CSD, titled “Understanding Cyber Security and How to Secure Social Media Accounts,” provided a comprehensive exploration of cybersecurity tailored for elementary students. This session focused on artificial intelligence and its various applications, highlighting the benefits and outlining the challenges associated with AI.

Participants also learned practical strategies to secure their social media profiles, email, smartphones, and other digital devices against potential threats. Furthermore, the workshop offered insights into cyber attacks and breaches, presenting effective prevention measures and responses to combat digital threats.
February 25, 2024 / 4:45 PM

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