

CSD, ENOC empower 177 employees through workshop on bullying

February 15, 2024 / 2:09 PM
Sharjah 24: In a concerted effort to address the pressing issue of bullying and empower employees to safeguard their children, the Child Safety Department (CSD), in collaboration with ENOC Group, organised an online workshop titled “Empowering Your Child, End Bullying.”
The workshop was  conducted by Dr. Bana Buzaboon; a prominent Clinical Psychologist and the Mental Health Director at Kanaf - a multi-agency child protection centre and affiliate of the Child Safety Department in Sharjah. 

The workshop saw an impressive turnout, with 177 attendees comprising ENOC employees keen on enhancing their knowledge about child safety and bullying prevention.

The primary objective of the workshop was to equip participants with the essential skills to identify various forms of bullying and take proactive measures to mitigate its psychological, physical, and social impacts. The initiative aligns with CSD's and ENOC’s commitment to Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 16 – “Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions,” emphasising the importance of empowering employees in the quest to protect their children from bullying.

Understanding bullying dynamics
The workshop began with a comprehensive exploration of the dynamics of bullying, emphasising its repetitive nature and learned behaviour. The Kanaf Mental Health Director stressed that bullying cannot occur without an imbalance in the relationship between the individuals involved. The participants gained insights into the root causes of bullying, discovering that a substantial portion is imitating behaviour learned from various sources, such as parents, teachers, and peers.

Types of bullying
Covering the various manifestations of bullying, ranging from direct physical and verbal forms to subtler, indirect tactics such as spreading rumours and exclusion; the workshop aimed to create awareness about the different types of bullying, ensuring that attendees could recognise and understand the varied ways it can impact individuals. 

Warning signs your child is involved
The workshop provided parents with essential knowledge to recognise warning signs indicating their child's involvement in bullying, whether as a victim or a perpetrator. Attendees gained insights into behavioural changes, physical symptoms, and emotional reactions that may serve as indicators. As Dr. Buzaboon said, “By being aware of these signs, parents can take proactive steps to address and prevent bullying in its early stages, creating a supportive environment for their children.”

Addressing Cyberbullying
With the growing prevalence of technology, the session addressed the contemporary issue of cyberbullying. Dr. Buzaboon outlined the causes and signs of cyberbullying in children, shedding light on the emotional and behavioural changes that may occur. Practical advice was provided to parents on how to recognise and address cyberbullying effectively, including monitoring online activities and maintaining open communication with their children.

Role of parents if child is a bully
The challenging scenario for parents, if their child is being a bully was not overlooked during the workshop. Parents were guided on how to approach and address this issue constructively. The importance of open communication, empathy-building, and reinforcing respectful behaviours at home were highlighted as tools for parents to take in guiding their child away from bullying behaviours.

CSD’s ongoing commitment
The workshop underscored CSD's ongoing efforts to create a safer and more inclusive community. With the collaboration between CSD and ENOC, this initiative reflects a shared commitment to building a society where children are protected from the harmful effects of bullying. The insights provided by Dr. Bana Buzaboon stressed the role that parents have in ensuring a supportive environment and actively engaging in preventing bullying, contributing to the overall well-being of children.
February 15, 2024 / 2:09 PM

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