

SCC elections: Mleiha and Al Madam site inspections

December 02, 2023 / 6:26 PM
Sharjah 24: The Chairman of the Mleiha Election Committee, Musabah Saif Al-Ketbi, stated that the Mleiha and Al Madam electoral offices are ready to welcome voters for the next voting process. To guarantee honest and open elections, the site has all the technical and logistical resources needed.
Al-Ketbi, speaking exclusively to "Sharjah 24," said that voting methods, accessibility, and security measures had all been reviewed to ensure widespread and meaningful engagement in the voting process.

The elections will take place over the course of three days, from December 5th through December 7th, according to Al-Ketbi. As part of its mission to promote democracy and encourage public engagement in government, the Emirate of Sharjah has decided to keep its electoral offices open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. The political and social life of the emirate is shaped in part by these elections.
December 02, 2023 / 6:26 PM

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