

Tariq Allay: 250 specialists to participate in IGCF 2023

September 07, 2023 / 5:41 PM
Sharjah24: As part of the upcoming 12th annual edition of International Government Communication Forum (IGCF), which is set to take place on September 13-14 in Expo Centre Sharjah under the theme ‘Today's Resources... Tomorrow's Wealth’, Tariq Saeed Allay, Director General of the Sharjah Government Media Bureau (SGMB) announced that IGCF this year attracts about 250 experts in management of resources and wealth.
Tariq Allay stated that the final preparations for the 12th edition of the International Government Communication Forum are ongoing around the clock, with the forum becoming one of the world's most prominent platforms for discussing various topics.

Speaking exclusively to “Sharjah24”, Allay has further stressed that Forum is an opportunity for various media, specialists, and experts to meet from different countries, hoping to achieve remarkable successes with several useful recommendations that provide more solutions in the field of wealth management, benefitting the entire world.

He emphasised that the Emirate of Sharjah excels in attracting various significant global events, including different cultural, artistic, sports, and media events, becoming a beacon in all of these areas. 

Concluding his statement, he stressed that the Forum gained iconic status during the past years, with attracting various global media. Today it again sends messages to different countries around the world about the Emirate of Sharjah’s natural resources and its humanitarian message.
September 07, 2023 / 5:41 PM

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