

Building Harmonious Society: UAE Islamic Diversity Prin.

February 02, 2023 / 12:17 PM
Image for the title: Building Harmonious Society: UAE Islamic Diversity Prin.
Human history has been defined by its diversity. People from various ethnic, racial, religious, and cultural origins have interacted with one another throughout history, resulting in a rich tapestry of human communities. Many various cultures have contributed to the advancement of human civilization, and many different peoples have had significant roles in shaping the world we live in today. Languages, beliefs, customs, and technologies created across diverse cultures and places throughout history demonstrate this diversity.
The variety that human variation offers to our communities, societies, and the globe as a whole is the beauty of it. It includes variances in color, ethnicity, religion, culture, language, sexual orientation, and many other characteristics that make each person unique.

Diversity promotes a broader exchange of ideas, viewpoints, and lifestyles. It fosters a cultural melting pot in which people can learn from one another and evolve as individuals and as a society. It broadens our horizons by introducing us to different experiences, customs, and ways of thinking. It also enables a more inclusive and equitable society in which all individuals can prosper and attain their full potential.

According to Islam, all persons are equal in God's eyes, and diversity is a feature of God's creation. According to the Qur'an, God created individuals from many nations and tribes so that they may get to know one another and develop mutual respect and understanding. The Islamic faith also emphasizes the need of treating people of all backgrounds with compassion and fairness, and discrimination based on race, ethnicity, or national origin is prohibited. Many Islamic doctrines and practices, such as the emphasis on the performance of the hajj, the annual pilgrimage to Mecca that brings Muslims from all over the world together, promote unity and discourage separation.

The Prophet Muhammad is reported to have said that all humanity is descended from Adam and Eve, and diversity is a symbol of God's bounty. He also stated that in God's sight, all individuals are equal and that no one is superior to another because of their race, ethnicity, or cultural origin. He advocated for treating others with kindness, compassion, and fairness regardless of their background, and he had many followers from diverse backgrounds. He also encouraged people to be compassionate to strangers, orphans, and the poor.

The founder and first President of UAE his highness the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan was recognized for his unwavering dedication to fostering a welcoming environment for people of all backgrounds in the United Arab Emirates. He saw the benefit of a diverse and open society and incorporated that idea into the foundation of the United Arab Emirates' legal system. He worked hard to ensure that people of all backgrounds were accepted and treated fairly. Also, he established the Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan Charitable and Humanitarian Foundation, which helped people of all faiths, races, and nationalities, demonstrating the country's dedication to religious tolerance and diversity. To better reflect the variety of our society, he advocated for women's education and empowerment to increase their representation in the workforce and in decision-making roles. The people and the international community applauded his efforts to foster tolerance and acceptance of all people.

Through this inclusive and visionary approach, the UAE was able to attract a diverse range of people and businesses, which helped to spur economic growth and development and make the UAE a desirable place to live, work, and visit.

As Muslims we are required to adhere to the teachings of Islam and to respect other people as it is an integral aspect of their faith. The Qur'an, which is the foundation of the Islamic belief system, emphasizes the fundamental equality and dignity of all human beings and encourages Muslims to treat others with kindness and compassion. Respect and tolerance towards others is an integral part of the Islamic faith and it is expected of every Muslim to act in accordance with these principles.
February 02, 2023 / 12:17 PM

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