

Rubu 'Qarn launches "Theatre and Performing Arts"

September 04, 2022 / 6:21 PM
Sharjah24: Through its integrative project "Theatre and Performing Arts," which will run through 2022, the Rubu' Qarn Foundation for Creating Leaders and Innovators aims to help its participants develop skills and a humanitarian perspective that are in step with the needs of the modern world.
Participants in the programme range in age from 6 to 31 and come from the following Rubu' Qarn institutions: Sharjah Children, Sharjah Youth, Sajaya Young Ladies, and Sharjah Capability Development (Tatweer).

The "Theatre and Performing Arts" initiative entails a wide range of targeted courses and programmes, as well as a number of creative workshops devoted to the performing arts and the creation of performances at varying levels. The participants' skills and efforts will be put toward developing the national identity through this programme.
September 04, 2022 / 6:21 PM

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