

Authors, publishers praise EBF for energising local cultural scene

April 24, 2022 / 2:40 PM
Sharjah 24: Distinguished Emirati publishers and writers have noted that the second edition of the Emirati Book Fair (EBF) in Sharjah is making notable strides fostering the local cultural movement, and providing readers with a one-of-a-kind opportunity to connect with the works of homegrown publishers.
They also lauded the event for offering both established and emerging publishing professsionals in the UAE a vibrant platorm to network, exchange ideas and expertise, and partake in key discussions on shaping the future of Emirati publishing both locally and globally.

‘Promoting books and Emirati culture form the core of Sharjah’s cultural project’
Highlighting the value of the four-day event, local author Salha Obaid said: “Promoting and safeguarding books and the Emirati culture form the core of Sharjah’s cultural project, which has been growing and flourishing for more than 40 years. Since this second edition of the Emirati Book Fair is being held right after the global pandemic, its role in showcasing the talent and work of Emirati content creators to the public as well as industry professionals is more significant than ever.” 

Concluding the testimonial, Obaid lauded book fair organiser, Sharjah Book Authority (SBA)’s efforts in strengthening the presence of Emirati books on local, regional and international levels. 

For her part, Emirati writer Nadia Al Najjar said the book fair offers visitors a unique insight into the status of the local book industry, adding: “The event is necessary because its characteristics differ from all other literary events hosted in the UAE. Through the Emirati Book Fair, the progress of the local cultural movement can be assessed as it attracts the participation of several local players who not only bring their works but also practical insights and opinions about the reality of the UAE’s publishing sector to the event.”

For her part, Afra Mahmoud, Founding Partner of Ghaf Publications, said: “As Emirati publishers, we have several opportunities to present our work at international book fairs. However, this book fair has a special status because it spotlights the local publishing scene right here in the UAE.”

Emirati poet Hassan Al Najjar said the book fair succeeded in spotlighting the flourishing creative scene in the country by celebrating the works of both renowned and emerging writers who continue to create value for the local cultural landscape. 

A key highlight for the Emirati poet in the book fair are the panel discussions, which he said were very informative and highlighted key topics and issues including translations and how the world views the Emirati cultural landscape today. 
April 24, 2022 / 2:40 PM

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