

SIH Launches first capacity building workshop

March 21, 2022 / 8:25 PM
Sharjah 24: Sharjah Institute for Heritage (SIH) launched the first workshop to build capacities of the Qatari focal points regarding submission of periodic reports under the ‘2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage in the Arab States Region’ began.
The launch took place in the presence of Dr. Abdul Aziz Al Musallam, Chairman of Sharjah Institute for Heritage, and Susanne Schnuttgen, Head of Unit for Capacity-Building and Heritage Policy of UNESCO's Living Heritage Entity. Also in attendance was Aisha Al Shamsi, Director of the Arab Heritage Centre. More than 18 countries will participate in the workshop, both at the event site and online. The event is set to run for five days, until next Thursday.

Distinguished business, projects and experiences
On its first day, the workshop included an introduction to training, where in-person and online participants and facilitators were explained the objectives of the training workshop. Training structure, mechanisms and methods of work, history of the 2003 agreement, and mechanisms for preparing periodic reports were discussed at length. Further discussions involved the role of actors in implementation of the agreement, and the importance of the role of country focal points. Participants presented their opening statements and gave feedback regarding their initial experience with filling out the reporting electronic form.

The workshop outlined the main goals of the 2003 agreement, the role of actors involved in the implementation of the agreement, and their roles in the process of preparing and submitting periodic reports. The role of country focal points, in addition to preparing periodic reports under the agreement, its importance and its mechanism of action.
Dr. Abdul Aziz Al Musallam, Chairman of Sharjah Institute for Heritage, said: “This workshop is the culmination of all efforts put to adopt the Sharjah Institute for Heritage as a second-class centre for capacity-building under the auspices of UNESCO. The Institute has been designated as a representative for the entire Arab world, as a place for capacity-building. Today, more than 18 countries are participating in the workshop. The workshop will cover many works and large areas, according to UNESCO estimates. It will also focus on the importance of capacity building in intangible cultural heritage, with the aim to graduate new experts and specialists in this niche field.”

He highlighted that the all teams and departments of the Institute are fully prepared to implement a vital program in this regard, in light of the continuous and unlimited support of His Highness Sheikh Dr. Sultan bin Muhammad Al Qasimi, Supreme Council Member and Ruler of Sharjah, and patron of culture and heritage. This extensive project will receive world fame and Member recognition.

From her side, Susanne Schnuttgen, Head of Unit for Capacity-Building and Heritage Policy of UNESCO's Living Heritage Entity said: “we are very happy to be here in Sharjah at the Sharjah institute for heritage, to have this first workshop on periodic reporting on the convention for the safeguarding of the intangible cultural heritage. This is a convention about what is important to people and what gives them a sense of belonging, about living heritage, cultural practices, about knowledge systems, about rituals and traditions that communities want to pass on to the next generation”.

She added: “In this workshop we are going to discuss a lot of the issues that you need to think of when you safeguard intangible cultural heritage and see what countries have done so far over the past few years in implementing this important international instrument for the safeguarding of the intangible cultural heritage which will also make a big contribution to sustainable development and mutual understanding”.

Sharing experiences in preparing periodic reports from other regions around the world

On the second day of the workshop, discussions and instruction surrounding results-based monitoring and control work for periodic reporting will take place. Here, participants will learn how to interpret and answer questions contained in the report form, as well as understand exactly how results-based monitoring and control work. Participants will analyse the benefits and challenges of preparing periodic reports, and will also have the opportunity to share personal experiences in preparing periodic reports from other regions around the world, particularly the Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) region.

The fourth day will focus on participatory methodologies for preparing periodic reports, calling attention to their importance, how to implement them, and other related axes. The fifth and final day will conclude the workshop, summarising the work accomplished at the event and focusing on evaluation and future outlook.

Implementation of programs and activities
Under the auspices of UNESCO, the International Center for Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Arab Countries will work to implement short- and long-term capacity-building programs and activities in the field of intangible cultural heritage, based on the program developed by UNESCO for the effective implementation of the 2003 Convention, and to adapt capacity-building materials and data developed by UNESCO to fit the regional context and ensure its translation into Arabic.

The Centre will also build communication networks between concerned communities, groups, and individuals to support the transmission and dissemination of intangible cultural heritage, organize events and public meetings at the regional and international levels, and exchange information and knowledge related to the protection of intangible cultural heritage.
March 21, 2022 / 8:25 PM

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