

SCHS holds virtual conf. for people with severe disabilities

March 08, 2022 / 8:10 PM
Sharjah 24: Sharjah City for Humanitarian Services (SCHS) launched the international virtual scientific conference "Quality of Life for People with Severe and Multiple Disabilities."
The conference aims to add quality of life to this important group of community members and their families.

Mohammed Fawzi Youssef, Director of the Early Intervention Centre in SCHS, confirmed the launch of the activities of the conference, organised by SCHS in cooperation with the Hashemite University of Jordan on Tuesday and Wednesday, March 8 and 9, 2022.

In exclusive statements to "Sharjah 24", he stated that the conference consists of 7 main axes that discuss various fields, including: the educational rehabilitation field, the medical field, the rights and laws of persons with disabilities, empowerment and family guidance, experiences and expertise, supportive technologies, controversial issues and trends in the scope of severe and multiple disabilities. In addition, the conference includes 3 specialised workshops and an exhibition of assistive technologies accompanying the conference.

The Director of the Early Intervention Centre added that the conference attracted many papers from a variety of fields, with the participation of a number of academics, specialists, doctors and workers in the field from: the Republic of South Korea, Germany, Russia, Finland, Saudi Arabia, the United States of America, the Sultanate of Oman, Palestine Lebanon, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and the United Arab Emirates.
March 08, 2022 / 8:10 PM

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