

“Local Networks Forum” draws a roadmap for new media

November 26, 2021 / 12:31 PM
Sharjah24: The Emirati media experts participating in the Local News Networks Forum valued; The recommendations that came out of the forum, and the gathering of all parties at one dialogue table to draw a road map for the new media, and the formation of the first building block for transferring the phenomenon of local news networks in the country from individual initiatives to part of the media system.
The participants considered that the findings of the first edition of the forum could be built upon to enhance cooperation between these networks, in a constructive dialogue to develop their media work, discuss challenges and develop appropriate solutions, noting that such forums are in the interests of the networks because they discuss a number of topics related to their work. 

Media experts praised the role of the news website "Sharjah 24" for organising the forum and inviting academics and university students to link them to the reality of the media process and enhance students' understanding of the future of media.
November 26, 2021 / 12:31 PM

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