

SEC launches 'Your Summer, Your Way' programme

August 15, 2021 / 9:17 PM
Mohammed Ahmed Al Mulla, Secretary General of the Sharjah Education Council (SEC)
Sharjah 24: The Sharjah Education Council (SEC) launched the "Your Summer, Your Way" virtual programme, targeting children to participate in various activities during their summer vacation.
The programme is scheduled for a month, and offers numerous activities and workshops such as innovative workshops, crafting and artistic activities, and other events.

Mohammed Ahmed Al Mulla, Secretary General of the Sharjah Education Council (SEC), pointed out that the "Your Summer, Your Way" programme is a qualitative programme that comes within the framework of the council's strategy to give children a space of remarkable interaction with purposeful programmes during their summer vacation.

According to Asmaa Ismail Al Hosani, Event Coordinator in the Sharjah Education Council (SEC), the SEC works on meeting the children’s needs through a series of new courses using visual communication technology. This will keep the pace with development in various fields for instance science, technology, education, and other fields.
August 15, 2021 / 9:17 PM

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