Presented by Alia Al Mansouri, the programme features tours of renowned libraries, showcasing their history and impact on preserving cultural heritage.
The programme airs daily after the Maghrib call to prayer, offering a 20-minute exploration of libraries from major cities like Paris and Milan to smaller towns like Mafra and Perugia. It introduces viewers to libraries housing ancient manuscripts and rare books, while Al Mansouri interviews library directors, shedding light on their unique features and their vital role in safeguarding intellectual heritage.
"Libraries" continues to document the diversity of these cultural institutions, spotlighting famous libraries like Sorbonne University Library and the Oriental Studies Library at La Sapienza University, as well as local institutions such as the José Saramago Foundation in Lisbon. The program also includes captivating visuals of the cities visited, supported by a soundtrack that enhances the viewing experience.
The program emphasises that libraries are not merely places for books; they are living symbols of knowledge and cultural identity, bridging the past and present while connecting cultures and generations.