The play is a modern spin on the acclaimed work of Egyptian playwright Ali Salem, whose classic 1970s plays, notably "The School of Troublemakers," are still popular.
The Africa Hall Theatre in the Al-Manakh neighbourhoods will host performances on January 4 and 5, 2025, at 8:30 p.m., providing audiences with an evening of cutting satire, comedy, and captivating drama.
The plot revolves around a respected writer, whose honeymoon with his younger bride devolves into turmoil due to his growing suspicion of being under surveillance by an intelligence agency.
The play's themes are particularly relevant in today's world, since technological improvements allow for unparalleled monitoring—not only for business and advertising objectives, but also in the context of Arab conflicts.
Al Attar is a pioneering Egyptian theatrical director, playwright, and cultural manager. He is the founder and general manager of Orient Productions, Cairo's premier private production firm, and is known for his groundbreaking work.
Al Attar has led a number of cultural initiatives, including Egypt's largest international arts festival, the Downtown Contemporary Arts Festival (D-CAF); the Temple Independent Theatre Company, a platform for independent theatrical productions; the Studio Emad Eddin (SEE) Foundation, which provides training and rehearsal spaces for independent performing artists in Egypt; and Maktabi, a creative co-working space dedicated to the arts and culture sector.
Sayed Ragab, an acclaimed Egyptian actor and playwright, is well-known for his memorable performances in theatre, cinema, and television. The Al-Warsha theatrical troupe, Egypt's pioneering independent theatrical group, founded Ragab in 1987. People still appreciate Ragab's contributions to independent art and culture.
Yasmeen Al Hawary is a skilled Egyptian actress, director, and dancer with worldwide experience. She began her acting career in 2006, appearing in theatre and television. Her contributions to the performing arts, which blend traditional legacy with modern interpretations, have garnered recognition.
Don't miss the captivating theatrical play " “The writer on honeymoon” . It combines humour and satire, as well as profound reflections on society and technological dynamics. Some of Egypt's most prominent artists will perform a brilliant resuscitation of Ali Salem's timeless work.