The meeting addressed several key topics on its agenda, including the academy's efforts to strengthen collaboration with universities and higher education institutions in Sharjah. They discussed initiatives to advance cybersecurity concepts by integrating technical and security aspects, as well as leveraging the expertise of local universities to enhance performance. The meeting also reviewed the academy's initiatives to incorporate the metaverse into training and education.

The meeting reviewed the mechanism for attracting talents in specialised jobs, at the level of the Sharjah Police General Command and the academy, by formulating an integrated governance framework that ensures the availability of talents and skills capable of achieving strategic goals to reach the targets in competitiveness indicators.

The board of firectors praised the Academy's efforts and its significant scientific achievements, particularly the attainment of international accreditations for several of its study and training programmes. It also acknowledged the recognition of the certificates awarded by the Academy to its members, highlighting the Academy's commitment to upholding international educational standards and meeting the criteria set by global accrediting bodies.

During the meeting, the achievements of the Competency Development Department for 2024 were presented. The department, which oversees the development and training of Sharjah Police and Academy members, successfully implemented specialised training programmes. It achieved significant milestones, including receiving professional accreditation from the National Qualifications Centre and having the Academy recognised as an accredited training centre by the Sharjah Private Education Authority.
Additionally, the Academy earned accreditation as an international training centre in medical services and first aid from several global organisations. The department also launched an initiative to train and certify 900 teachers from the Sharjah Private Education Authority in first aid and conducted 207 training programmes, benefiting 4,644 employees across 21 government entities and institutions.
The board approved the date for the graduation ceremony of the second batch of PhD students and the sixth batch of Master's students, scheduled for November 27th. It also endorsed the academic promotions of several faculty members who met the promotion criteria set by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in the United Arab Emirates.
Additionally, the board reviewed a proposed amendment to the Academy's regulations to align with ongoing updates and advancements in the educational and training sectors. The board also approved a request from the General Directorate of Civil Defence in Dubai to reserve study seats for its members in the Bachelor's degree programme in Police Sciences.
During the meeting, statistics were reviewed regarding the enrollment numbers of Bachelor's students in Police Sciences and postgraduate students in the Master's and PhD programmes at the Academy. There was a notable increase in the number of individuals seeking to join the Academy’s programmes, reflecting the high quality of the offered study programmes and the accredited qualifications awarded by the Academy in various police and legal specialisations.
The meeting also included a review of the Academy's participation in the 43rd Sharjah International Book Fair, where it showcased dozens of modern and diverse publications covering topics such as police sciences, law, administration, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, psychology, and their related impacts.
The meeting was attended by Major General Abdullah Mubarak bin Amer, Commander-in-Chief of Sharjah Police and Deputy Chairman of the BoD, and members Brigadier Abdullah Ibrahim Al Sheikh Nassar, Brigadier Ghanem Khamis Al Houli, Salem Obaid Al Hossan Al Shamsi, Sultan Ali bin Butti Al Muhairi, Sultan Mohammed Obaid Al Hajri, Brigadier Dr. Mohammed Khamis Al Othmani, Director General of the Academy, and Colonel Mohammed Hamad Al Suwaidi, Rapporteur of the board.