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Top job interview questions and smart ways to answer them

September 09, 2024 / 12:19 PM
Top job interview questions and smart ways to answer them
Effective preparation is a crucial step in increasing an individual’s chances of securing the desired job. It reduces stress and anxiety during the interview, boosts confidence and effective communication, enables applicants to showcase their skills and expertise convincingly and thoughtfully, and demonstrates their interest and seriousness about the role.

One of the most effective methods to prepare for job interviews is to identify the most common questions and develop clear and compelling responses to them. Here are some of the most important ones:

Who are you? talk about yourself

The question "Tell us about yourself" or "Introduce yourself" is a staple in job interviews. Make sure to give a clear and concise answer. Start with general information about your education and degree, then shift focus to your professional experience and skills. 

Furthermore, avoid divulging irrelevant personal details, such as family matters. For example, a suitable response might be: "I graduated from (university name), majoring in (name of major), with (number of years) of professional experience in (name of field). Recently, I worked at (company name), where I was responsible for (list of main responsibilities) and have proficient skills in (list of main skills)."

Why do you want this job?

Companies seek candidates who are enthusiastic about the job and can contribute value to the company. Therefore, answering this question requires intelligence, precision, and prior preparation. This entails conducting thorough research into the nature of the company's work, understanding the skills and requirements of the job, demonstrating a keen interest and passion for working with the company in that particular position, and explaining how well the role aligns with your skills and experience. 

Remember, employers use this question to determine why the candidate is the best fit for the vacant position.

It is worth noting that employers may phrase this question in various ways, such as "What are you looking for in this job?", "What makes you the best candidate for this job?", "What qualifies you for this job?", or "What can you bring to this job that no one else can?".

All of these questions require a detailed focus on your skills and experience and how they can benefit the company. Make sure to support your answers with examples from previous experience.

What do you know about the company? why do you want to work here?

When answering this question, go beyond merely citing basic information available on the company's official website. Instead, you should demonstrate a deep understanding of the company’s industry, culture, values, strategies, competitors and market position. Such information can be attained by connecting with current or former employees, studying the company’s annual reports, and reading related news articles and the like.   

Additionally, you should express a genuine desire to work for the company. This could stem from the company’s commitment to employee growth and development or its leading position in the field that aligns with your career aspiration.

What are your strengths and weaknesses?

When it comes to strengths, highlight one or two key traits particularly relevant to the job you are applying for. This will increase your chances of being hired.

These attributes must be supported with specific examples and real-life situations. For instance, you can say: "I am creative and possess excellent problem-solving skills. In my previous role, I encountered a complex technical issue and devised an innovative solution that saved the company significant time and money.” Key strengths often valued by employers include creativity, teamwork, working under pressure, and quick learning abilities. 

As for weaknesses, employers often try to gauge the candidate's self-awareness and honesty with themselves. Thus, mention a characteristic and emphasise your efforts to improve it and turn it into a strength. For example, you could say: "public speaking has been a challenge for me, but I am actively working to improve by attending workshops and engaging in smaller group settings."  

Why did you leave your last job?

When answering this question, avoid criticising or insulting your former employer or mentioning failures or negative experiences. Instead, focus on positive reasons for leaving, such as seeking new opportunities, acquiring new skills, and pursuing professional growth.

What are your biggest accomplishments?

This question aims to evaluate the candidate’s skills and expertise and assess their potential contribution to the company’s growth.

To answer this question efficiently, highlight an accomplishment or a set of achievements relevant to the job position. Discuss these achievements concisely, emphasising their positive impact on the previous company. Providing clear and specific information, such as numbers or percentages, can strengthen your response.  

For instance, you might say: “In my previous role, I devised a marketing strategy that resulted in a 30% increase in sales achieved through...”.  

What are your salary expectations?

To answer this question professionally, you should prepare by reading, researching, or consulting colleagues about the salary range for the job you are applying for.

This information can provide you with a specific range based on the results of your research and the job’s requirements and responsibilities. You should also emphasise your interest in the position and flexibility regarding salary discussions. 

Further, avoid specifying a particular salary figure initially, leaving room for further negotiation to reach a mutually agreeable salary. 

For instance, you could say: "I would like to discuss the salary after learning more about the position’s requirements and responsibilities". 

Ultimately, there are no definitive right or wrong answers to the questions above. The key is to demonstrate to employers that the candidate is the perfect fit for the job and to leave a positive impression.

Candidates are also advised to practise the interview with a friend or family member, dress appropriately to align with the company's culture, arrive 10-15 minutes early, turn off mobile phones, remain calm and confident, and communicate as clearly and effectively as possible to increase their chances of success and getting hired.


[1] internships.moe.gov.ae. أسئلة وأجوبة المقابلة
[2] themuse.com, 50+ Most Common Interview Questions and Answers
[3] thebalancemoney.com, Top 10 Job Interview Questions and Best Answers
[4] indeed.com, Common Interview Questions and How To Answer Them

September 09, 2024 / 12:19 PM

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