

Israel approves operational plans for an offensive in Lebanon

June 18, 2024 / 11:34 PM
Smoke billowing from Metullah on the Israeli side after being targeted by rockets from Lebanon.
Sharjah 24 – AFP: The Israeli military said Tuesday operational plans for an offensive in Lebanon were "approved and validated", as Israeli forces and the “Hezbollah” movement engaged in cross-border exchanges of fire.
Senior Israeli military officials "held a joint situational assessment in the Northern Command. As part of the situational assessment, operational plans for an offensive in Lebanon were approved and validated," the military said in a statement.

"Decisions were taken on the continuation of increasing the readiness of troops in the field."

Lebanon's Hezbollah and Israel have been trading near-daily fire since the Gaza war following October 7 attack on southern Israel.

The sign-off came as Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz earlier warned “Hezbollah” that it would be destroyed in the event of a "total war" between the two.

"We are very close to the moment when we will decide to change the rules of the game against Hezbollah and Lebanon. In a total war, “Hezbollah” will be destroyed and Lebanon will be hit hard," Katz said, according to a statement from his office.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said this month that the military was ready for an intense operation in Lebanon if necessary, pledging to restore security to the country's northern border.

June 18, 2024 / 11:34 PM

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