

SAQC commemorates ISESCO medal presented to Sharjah Ruler

June 04, 2024 / 11:22 AM
Sharjah24: Dr Sultan Al Qasimi Centre (SAQC) , as part of its ongoing Award story series, is commemorating this month the historic date of December 16, 1998, when the prestigious ISESCO Medal was presented to His Highness Sheikh Dr. Sultan bin Mohammed Al Qasimi, Supreme Council Member and Ruler of Sharjah, by Dr Abdulaziz bin Othman Al Tuwaijri, the Director General of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO), a subsidiary of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation Countries (OIC) at the time.
The ISESCO Medal has been chosen for the month of June from the rich collection of the most distinguished awards and accolades that His Highness the Ruler of Sharjah has received over the years, which are commemorated on a monthly basis in the Award story series.

The ISESCO honour had been conferred on His Highness the Sharjah Ruler by the premier Islamic organisation in recognition of his groundbreaking efforts and work in the field of Arab and Islamic culture and his constructive role in raising the status of culture in the region, as Sharjah has become a beacon of culture in the Arab world.

In his statement on the occasion, Dr Al Tuwaijri had lauded the cultural renaissance that Sharjah has been witnessing thanks to the efforts of His Highness the Ruler of Sharjah, who has made the emirate a source of admiration and pride for the people of the global Arab and Islamic community.

Dr Al Tuwaijri also announced the ISESCO Executive Office’s decision to open a regional office of the organisation in Sharjah, and to prepare it to begin work in all areas immediately following the Seventh General Conference of ISESCO, which was held in year 2000.

The conference took up issues of the Arab and Islamic community as part of the framework of the organisation and ways to support efforts to promote and spread the Arabic language and constructive Islamic culture. The session also discussed ways of supporting libraries, conserving rare Islamic manuscripts and caring for children and youth culturally and intellectually.
June 04, 2024 / 11:22 AM

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