

SCC approves Sharjah government draft budget 2024

December 28, 2023 / 1:32 PM
Sharjah24: During its first work of the eleventh legislative chapter, the Sharjah Consultative Council approved the draft law regarding the budget of Sharjah government departments for 2024, during its second session held this Thursday morning at its headquarters in Sharjah as part of its work for its first regular session.
The session was chaired by Dr. Abdullah Belhaif Al Nuaimi, Chairman of the SCC.

The Council's work began with the ratification of the first session minutes, after which the Council discussed the report prepared by the Council's Financial, Economic and Industrial Affairs Committee.

Sheikh Mohammed bin Saud Al Qasimi, Head of the Sharjah Finance Department, presented the draft general budget to Council.

He expressed his appreciation for the fruitful comments made by the Financial, Economic, and Industrial Affairs Committee members during the general budget discussion.

He stressed that the SFD keeps moving forward, following the path paved by the great leadership, via adopting Sharjah government strategic directives, especially in light of the current conditions and the countless challenges it encounters.

Ahmed Saeed Al Jarwan, Secretary-General of the Council, indicated at the beginning of the discussion of the draft budget that on December 20, 2023, the General Secretariat of the Sharjah Executive Council sent a request to the Council, referring the draft general budget law to the Sharjah Government departments for 2024, so that it could be submitted to His Highness Sheikh Dr Sultan bin Mohammed Al Qasimi, Supreme Council Member and Ruler of Sharjah.

Al Jarwan added: According to the provisions of Articles (86), (87), and (88) of the council's internal regulations, the council's chairman referred the draft budget, as a matter of urgency, to the Financial, Economic and Industrial Affairs Committee, to submit its report to the council after discussing the matter.

Fatima Khalifa Al Mukarrab, the Committee's Rapporteur, read the report and explained that the Committee discussed the Sharjah Government's draft budget law for 2024.

She also indicated that the committee discussed the proposed estimated budget for Sharjah government departments before proceeding to the committee's observations and recommendations regarding the budget.

The council approved the draft law regarding the Sharjah Government departments general budget 2024.

Al Nuaimi hailed the Sharjah Finance Department for its effort in preparing this budget. He also praised the efforts of the Economic, Industrial, and Financial Affairs Committee headed by Rashid Abdullah bin Huwaiden.
December 28, 2023 / 1:32 PM

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