

A huge boom in afforestation rates in Eastern Region in 2023

November 22, 2023 / 6:40 PM
Image for the title: A huge boom in afforestation rates in Eastern Region in 2023
Sharjah 24: The year 2023 witnessed a huge boom in the area of green areas in the eastern cities of the Emirate of Sharjah, achieving unprecedented afforestation rates that will enhance environmental sustainability and improve the cultural appearance of the region.
Despite their mountainous nature, the cities of the Eastern Region are witnessing a remarkable momentum in the rates of afforestation and agriculture, in parks and gardens, roads and squares, all the way to the mountains.

The municipalities of the three cities of the region -Khorfakkan, Kalba, and Dibba Al Hisn have taken the responsibility of enhancing the cities’ green carpet in implementation of the directives of the wise leadership, to consolidate environmental sustainability and improve the quality of the healthy climate, by adding millions of flowers, plants and trees annually.

The Khorfakkan City Municipality revealed that the total area of the city’s greenery has increased to about one and a half million square metres, an increase estimated at 5% compared to last year.

The municipality explained that Khorfakkan and its affiliated areas include 19 parks and gardens, adding that the municipal nursery produced nearly a million seedlings in 2023, to supply roads, squares and gardens, in addition to the mountains where the municipality supervised the planting of more than 20,000 trees during the current year.

In the city of Kalba, green spaces amounted to approximately 1,100,000 square metres, an increase of 11% compared to last year, according to what the municipality reported in a statement.

Kalba includes 12 gardens and parks, ranging from public gardens, family gardens, and neighbourhood gardens. The municipal nursery produces about 600,000 seedlings annually to serve these facilities and improve the aesthetic appearance of the city.

Dibba Al Hisn
During this year, Dibba Al Hisn Municipality enhanced the city’s green carpet with more than 100,000 square metres, including coverings, flowers, ornamental plants, trees and palms.
The city of Dibba Al Hisn has 6 diverse gardens and parks, including public parks and neighbourhood parks, which are a destination for families to relax and spend time surrounded by picturesque nature.
November 22, 2023 / 6:40 PM

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