

4 rights, 6 prohibitions for candidates in FNC’s campaigns

August 24, 2023 / 7:43 PM
Image for the title: 4 rights, 6 prohibitions for candidates in FNC’s campaigns
During the event
Sharjah 24: The electoral campaigns for the candidates of the Federal National Council (FNC) 2023 will start on the 11th of next September, and will continue until the 3rd of October, according to the provisions and rules approved by the National Elections Committee.
The National Elections Committee has defined 4 rights for candidates in their electoral campaigns, which are: self-expression and carrying out any activity aimed at persuading voters to choose them, advertising the electoral programme completely freely in accordance with the rules, presenting the programme in the media, and holding seminars and press conferences.

The committee stated that candidates must preserve the values and principles of society, respect public order, and adhere to the system, regulations, and decisions in force. It approved 6 prohibitions for candidates during the electoral campaign period, namely: the use of religious slogans in any form, provoking religious intolerance or sectarian or tribal, deceiving and defrauding voters, using defamation or verbally attacking candidates, making promises or programmes that are beyond the competence of a council member, and spending on electoral campaigning from public money.
August 24, 2023 / 7:43 PM

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