He stressed the importance of keeping the connection between the graduates and the university, deepening their bonds.

The University's President hailed the attendees for gathering before him in the annual ceremony, strengthening the university's strong bonds with its graduates and among them.

"I met you or some of you last year at your Alumni ceremony, and this year we reunite here. Still, I feel that this meeting is the closest to my soul and more joyful, perhaps because it has returned to its usual place, surrounded by its pillars and corners that have been gathering its children for twenty-five years; it is as if you who have become independent in your lives and have been occupied by the circumstances of life, but your hearts are still attached to their home that brought you together and will bring them together with those you love," Sheikh Sultan bin Ahmed said.

He called on the Alumni members to visit the university continuously and to see the progression of its various facilities, such as Sharjah Sat 1 and the solar house.
Sheikh Sultan bin Ahmed pointed out the need to lend a hand to the current students at the university, share experiences with them, boosting their morale, for it deepens the bonds.

At the end of his speech, He was pleased with the efforts of the Alumni Association outside the United Arab Emirates, specifically in Kuwait, for having a reunion dinner, a reunion that would hoist the university's flag.

During the ceremony, Sheikh Sultan bin Ahmed Al Qasimi honoured the association's strategic sponsor, Tilal Properties LLC.
He also kindly received a souvenir from the Alumni Association, a commemorative shield on the University of Sharjah's silver jubilee, designed with the Non-Fungible Token "NFT" technology in cooperation with the Sharjah Digital Office.

Dr. Hamid Majul Al Nuaimi, Chancellor of the UOS, gave a speech in which he expressed his gratitude to Sheikh Sultan bin Ahmed Al Qasimi for his patronage and attendance at the alumni ceremony and his support for all of the Alumni Association activities and events.
The chancellor concluded his speech by inviting the graduates to return to the university anytime to continue their studies and seek knowledge.

After that, the attendees watched show about several graduates presenting their certificates and the qualification they were granted, making them successful leaders in serving the country.

Later, The audience watched a theatrical performance of the Art for All Centre, the first theater group in the country to bring together artists with hearing disabilities. The play dealt with the importance of encouragement in teaching and learning.
The ceremony was attended by Sheikh Saud bin Sultan bin Mohammed Al Qasimi, Director of the Sharjah Digital Office; Dr. Hamid Majul Al Nuaimi, Chancellor of the University of Sharjah; members of the University of Sharjah Board of Trustees; Vice Chancellors of the University; and several professors and graduates.