

Al Sukatra: prestigious awards at Sharjah Calligraphy Biennial

October 06, 2022 / 12:48 AM
Image for the title: Al Sukatra: prestigious awards at Sharjah Calligraphy Biennial
Sharjah24: Aisha Al-Saqtri, who is in charge of the Sharjah Calligraphy Biennial's committees, says that at the tenth session of the forum, eight awards will be given out. These include the Grand Prize, three awards for contemporary calligraphy works, 3 Authentic calligraphy works, and one award for an Emirati artist.
Al Sukatri told "Sharjah 24" that the Biennial's work started when the preparatory committees met to receive nominations of works participating in the general exhibition and art workshops, that the screening committee then began its work by sorting the best works, and that the jury will seek to select the best 8 winning works in the forum awards.
October 06, 2022 / 12:48 AM

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