

SINF hosts "Resin Art and Sea Tales" workshop

September 15, 2022 / 11:50 PM
Sharjah 24: The Sharjah Institute for Heritage planned an introductory workshop called "Resin Art and Sea Tales" for the International Narrator Forum (SINF) 2022. This workshop would link resin art with sea stories.
Aisha Rashid Al-Hussan Al-Shamsi, the Forum's general coordinator, has said that the Forum's higher committee is planning introductory workshops for the Sharjah International Narrator Forum, including Ms. Reem Al-Khatiri's "Sea Khatiri's and Resin Art" workshop. Through the medium of resin, the workshop weaves together sea myths and Emirati history.

Aisha Al Shamsi confirmed in exclusive statements to "Sharjah 24" that resin art allows the use of chemicals and the mixing of such compounds with models of mythological sea creatures and seashells. 
September 15, 2022 / 11:50 PM

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