

High school students debate world issues at AUSMUN

February 26, 2022 / 5:13 PM
Sharjah24: From climate change to peace and security, 600 high school students will be deliberating some of the most persisting world issues and policies at the upcoming American University of Sharjah Model United Nations (AUSMUN) 2022. The three-day event will begin on February 25 at the AUS campus.
Divided into 13 committees, students will be discussing issues related to poverty, education, labor, human rights, inclusive development, disarmament, peace and security, climate change and many others. The theme of the conference, “challenging mindsets, building human capacities,” comes in response to the challenging times humanity faced due to COVID-19 and is a bid to empower and inspire youth. 

“This is the 15th edition of the AUSMUN, and we wanted to bring to the fore some of the most relevant world concerns to engage delegates. This event is a platform for sharing knowledge, inspiring future leaders, challenging mindsets and building human capabilities. It is a place where we can all convene and debate real time issues that impact us, not only today but for years to come,” said Mohammad Alzaabi, an international studies student and Secretary General of the AUSMUN 2022. 

From setting a date for the event to researching the topics and planning the tasks, preparations for the big event commenced nine months ago and proved to be both challenging and rewarding. 

“You learn how to work under pressure, balance university studies with work and, most importantly, how to become a problem solver. You learn to become calm and look for innovative solutions on the spot, allowing for growth at the personal and professional level,” said Alzaabi.

The event will conclude with an award ceremony, recognizing the work of delegates, particularly in the categories of outstanding delegate, distinguished delegate, best speaker, best researcher and honorable mentions. 

“The AUSMUN is an everlasting journey filled with determination, enthusiasm, passion and perseverance, which are values we all share. The AUSMUN 2022 Executive Board will continue to uphold the bright and glorious legacy of this event as we remain one of the most prestigious hubs for UN simulations across the region, welcoming advisors, delegates and organizers from diverse backgrounds, and introducing a wide range of committees and topics,” said Alzaabi.

The annual student-driven event comes as part of AUS’ efforts to enhance students’ university experiences outside the classroom and to graduate professionals who can contribute to the development and growth of various world sectors. The event is also an opportunity to engage with the UAE community and introduce school students to what AUS has to offer.
February 26, 2022 / 5:13 PM

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