

Brazil: flooded streets, people remove belongings from their homes

January 11, 2022 / 9:59 AM
Sharjah24 – AFP: People in Juatuba in Brazil's eastern Minas Gerais state remove belongings from their homes after heavy rain caused floods.
Daniel Valeriano de Oliveira, Logistic operator said, "The water level in my house reached my waist. We lost everything. My children and my wife left the house by boat. We are getting the things we managed to save out of there, but clothes, these things we couldn't really save."

The Logistic operator added, "By 1:30am the water took over the street, by 2:30am it came up to the porch of my house and by 3:00 am it was waist deep. My children and my wife left by boat."
January 11, 2022 / 9:59 AM

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