

China's Henan imposes more COVID curbs as cases spike

January 06, 2022 / 10:11 AM
A medical staff member (R) receives a booster shot of the Sinopharm Covid-19 coronavirus vaccine
Sharjah24 – Reuters: More cities in central China resorted to tough curbs as new coronavirus infections in Henan province rose sharply, with authorities taking urgent action to contain clusters ahead of the Winter Olympics and Lunar New Year peak travel season.
Henan reported 64 domestically transmitted local infections with confirmed symptoms for Wednesday, up from just four a day earlier, official data showed on Thursday.

Although the numbers are tiny compared with many places in the world, and no cases of the highly transmissible Omicron variant have been reported so far in Henan, several cities there imposed new limits on travel or economic activities in response to a rash of new cases.

China's national policy of stamping out clusters quickly as they appear has taken on extra urgency in the run up to the Winter Games, being hosted by Beijing and nearby Hebei starting Feb. 4.

China's state planner also said that preventing the virus from spreading would become harder during coming weeks, when masses of people will travel for the Lunar New Year holiday.
January 06, 2022 / 10:11 AM

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