

‘Idikhar’ develops children’s money awareness

June 10, 2021 / 7:10 PM
Sharjah 24: Sharjah Children, affiliated with the Rubu’ Qarn Foundation for Creating Leaders and Innovators, has remotely organised a training course in the field of “Idikhar: saving” targeting children in the age group of 6-12 years, with the aim of developing their personalities and honing their skills about saving, as well as raising their financial awareness.
Held via “Teams”, the course seeks to introduce children to the concept of money and its role in society, ways of earning, saving, as well as other related issues. The course also aims to develop scientific culture by using entertainment methods that attract children to develop their abilities to take care of pets and to hone their falconry skills, as well as other issues in this regard. 
June 10, 2021 / 7:10 PM

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