Arthur Baum, a German filmmaker and digital artist, shared on the second day of the Xposure International Photography Festival 2025 that lighting techniques can be used in various ways to tell a story. According to him, it is the story itself that dictates the best approach, selecting from a wide range of possible creative outcomes.
He added that cinematography in virtual worlds is not so different from live-action sets, as both require the same fundamental skills. His advice for those eager to learn more is to study the masters of cinematography, analyse paintings and films, and observe how light is shaped to serve a vision. These skills, he emphasised, can then be directly applied to one's own work.
He concluded that what videographers, photographers, and cinematographers gain from attending Xposure 2025 is both inspiration and connection. Seeing the stunning compositions, photographs, and artworks by other artists sparks creativity and encourages experimentation with different techniques.