The population density in the GCC region stood at 23.9 people per square kilometre. The total area of the GCC countries amounts to 2.4 million square kilometres.
The GCC Statistical Centre released the ninth edition of the Atlas of GCC Statistics for 2024. This edition features key statistical maps, data dashboards, and interactive information. It shows the distributions of data at both the country and administrative region levels, with graphical and geographical illustrations that link statistical data to its geographical location. This enhances the value of the information for planning purposes in various sectors.
At the release of the Atlas, Jassim Mohammed Al Budaiwi, Secretary-General of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf, emphasized the importance of statistics for planning and development in Gulf cooperation. He commended the efforts of the GCC Statistical Centre in its publications, noting that the Atlas serves as a vital tool in shaping future policies to promote growth and prosperity in the GCC countries.
Intisar bint Abdullah Al Wahibiah, Director-General of the GCC Statistical Centre, highlighted the Atlas as a leading publication in geographic information systems. She noted the innovative integration of statistical indicators with geographic information, which makes the data more accessible and supports in-depth analysis.
The total workforce in the GCC countries reached approximately 33.1 million in 2023, compared to 30.3 million in 2022. In 2023, there were 45.0 million people of working age (15 years and above) in the GCC region.
Marriage and divorce rates were also included in the Atlas. In 2022, the marriage rate in the GCC stood at 4.7 contracts per 1,000 people aged 15 and above, while the divorce rate was 1.8 cases per 1,000 people in the same age group.
For the 2021-2022 academic year, there were 712,400 students in early childhood education, including nurseries and kindergartens. Additionally, the total number of school students across the GCC was 8.9 million.
In 2022, the GCC had approximately 843 government hospitals, which represented 58.4% of the total, while private hospitals accounted for 41.6%. The number of hospital beds across the region totaled 122,100, with 74.6% in government hospitals and 25.4% in private ones. There were 29.6 physicians per 10,000 residents and 61.2 nurses per 10,000 residents in 2022.
The GCC experienced an 18.8% increase in rainfall from 2000 to 2022, recording 214.1 billion cubic metres of rainfall in 2022. The production of desalinated water grew by 9.0% annually during the same period. In 2022, 1.4 billion cubic metres of treated water were used for irrigation, and 3.7 billion cubic metres of surface water were recorded. Additionally, the number of wastewater treatment plants increased by 10.1% compared to 2021.
The GCC's trade volume reached US$1.482 trillion in 2023. Commodity exports totaled US$823.1 billion, with national oil exports making up 63.8%, non-oil exports at 19.3%, and re-exports at 16.9%. Intra-GCC commodity exports were valued at US$131.6 billion.
The nominal GDP of the GCC stood at US$2.113 trillion in 2023, with a 3.5% decrease in annual growth compared to 2022. The inflation rate in the region was recorded at 2.2% in 2023.
Tourism in the GCC saw 68.1 million visitors in 2023. The region had 10,900 hotel establishments, offering a total of 696,600 rooms.
In 2023, the GCC had 5.5 million fixed phone lines and 94.9 million mobile subscriptions.
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