

AL honors UAE for combatting illicit small arms proliferation

September 15, 2024 / 11:21 PM
UAE strongly condemns shooting incident in Sweden
Sharjah 24 – WAM: The League of Arab States honoured the UAE for its efforts in supporting the programme to combat the illicit proliferation of small arms and light weapons in Arab countries, organised by the League in cooperation with the European Union.
This recognition came at the conclusion of the UAE's participation in the “Conference on Combating the Illicit Trade in, and Proliferation of Small Arms and Light Weapons" held at the Arab League headquarters in Cairo.

The award was received by Mohamed Suhail Al Neyadi, Director-General of the Weapons and Hazardous Substances Office of the Supreme Council for National Security, and head of the UAE delegation.

The conference discussed the evaluation of the second phase of the EU and Arab League programme on combating the illicit trafficking and proliferation of small arms and light weapons, the challenges faced during this phase, the future prospects of the project, and international control measures on the transfer of small arms, including border control and efforts to combat the flow of illegal weapons by identifying and disrupting their sources.
September 15, 2024 / 11:21 PM

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