
Attain peace within yourself

Practical tips to stop overthinking

September 16, 2024 / 4:28 PM
Practical tips to stop overthinking
Some people suffer from overthinking, spending excessive time analysing situations, and imagining various scenarios. They often feel drained, anxious, and stressed, unable to act effectively. However, many practical and efficient methods can help achieve mental balance and a state of calm and tranquillity.

Thinking in solutions rather than dwelling on problems

“I should not have said those things in front of my friends yesterday.” Or “I should have stayed at my last job; I would be much happier now.” Or even “I am going to embarrass myself tomorrow by forgetting my presentation.” These fears are unhelpful. Instead, one should focus on practical solutions. If these issues happened in the past, it is advisable to consider how to avoid repeating them. 

If these fears are merely anticipated, one should focus on preparing and preventing them. This can be achieved by improving personal skills such as decision-making, self-control, communication, confidence, and self-awareness.

Strengthening faith and trust in God

Faith in God, acknowledging His wisdom, omniscience, and sovereignty help in attaining inner peace, and alleviating overthinking, stress, and anxiety about the future. Alongside proactive efforts to resolve challenges, relying on God Almighty to alleviate burdens is paramount.

Occupying free time with enriching activities

When people have ample free time, they often succumb to overthinking. To avoid this, it is advisable to immerse oneself in useful activities and enjoy time away from stressful thoughts. Options include pursuing hobbies like painting or writing, trying new recipes in the kitchen, volunteering in the community, enjoying picnics with friends, or watching movies and documentaries.

Engaging in mindfulness exercises

Mindfulness requires full awareness of one’s thoughts, avoiding excessive immersion in them. It means staying present in the moment, free from dwelling on the past or fretting about the future. Worrying and overthinking do not change past events or prevent future problems; instead, they disturb the peace and tranquillity of the present. 

To enhance mindfulness, it is recommended to engage in exercises like the "Five Senses Exercise", which helps individuals to stop thinking and concentrate solely on the present. In this exercise, participants take a deep breath and then consciously identify five surrounding things they can see, hear, smell, feel, and taste.

Another exercise involves relaxation and deep breathing, which alleviates anxiety and stress induced by overthinking, promoting calmness of both mind and body. This practice entails sitting in a quiet place, closing your eyes, and breathing slowly while focusing solely on each breath for approximately five minutes.

Exercising and practising varied physical activities

Sports are not just about losing weight and staying fit; they are also very beneficial for mental health and clarity. Engaging in physical activities reduces stress, anxiety, and overthinking, promoting happiness and balance. A 2018 study in The Journal of Psychology revealed that just 10 to 30 minutes of exercise can effectively elevate mood and enhance organising thoughts.

Exploring the problem from a wider scope and diverse perspectives

Spending excessive time and effort on minor daily issues can escalate them into prolonged conflicts, draining energy and focus. Such behaviour calls for reflection on how to approach various issues. For instance, one might believe a moment of embarrassment could alter their entire life. But realistically, it is unlikely to have much impact, emphasising the need to think simply, positively, and from a different, wider viewpoint.

Assigning time for deep reflection

It is advisable to avoid excessive dwelling on particular problems or topics throughout the day to prevent overthinking. Nevertheless, allocating around 20 minutes daily to contemplate concerns, identify problems, devise appropriate solutions, and create a practical plan can be highly beneficial.

One can also consider using paper and pen to organise thoughts, which helps reduce stress and anxiety caused by overthinking. Afterward, they can shift focus away from the problem and towards practical solutions

Embracing self-worth and recognising successes

Some individuals become overly absorbed in overthinking and self-criticism over decisions or situations they regret. It is crucial to recognise that everyone makes both right and wrong choices, and dwelling on them does not change the past.

Therefore, practising self-compassion, accepting human imperfections, fostering a positive mindset, and extracting lessons from experiences are essential. Additionally, celebrating personal success and achievements, no matter how small, boosts satisfaction and self-esteem.


[1] themuse.com, 6 Easy Ways to Stop Overthinking Every Little Thing (and Just Enjoy Your Life)
[2] psychcentral.com, 25 Tips To Get Rid of Overthinking
[3] verywellmind.com, How to Stop Overthinking
[4] betterup.com, Learn how to stop overthinking with these 8 great tips
[5] verywellmind.com, 10 Exercises That Help You Stop Overthinking

September 16, 2024 / 4:28 PM

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