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How to be positive: stop negative thinking

September 10, 2024 / 12:30 PM
How to be positive - stop negative thinking
Consistently fixating on the negatives or expending energy on every criticism received can lead to spiralling into disappointment and self-blame. At this point, it is crucial to reassess one’s mindset and approach to different situations, striving to shed negativity and embrace a more aware and positive lifestyle.

Promoting positive behaviour is a powerful means of bringing about change and personal development, as it enhances an individual’s sense of contentment and self- assurance. It is also empowers individuals to navigate challenges with more resilience and empathy. By fostering a positive mindset, individuals gain the energy and motivation needed to thrive and progress in life. Some of the effective methods for accomplishing this include:

Starting the day with strength and activity

The morning habits one adopts undoubtedly shape the mood and demeanour for the day ahead. Starting with positive practices like exercise or meditation fosters a positive mindset and energy, setting the tone for the hours ahead and promoting a sense of accomplishment. Additionally, reciting motivational affirmations each morning, such as “I am strong” or “I am proud of myself” can be beneficial, as developing positive behaviour starts with self-assurance and belief in one’s abilities.

Practising gratitude for the good things in life

Renowned talk show host and media personality Oprah Winfrey says: “What you focus on expands, and when you focus on the goodness in your life, you create more of it. Opportunities, relationships, even money flowed my way when I learned to be grateful no matter what happened in my life.” There are undoubtedly many things in life that make one feel valued and appreciated, no matter how small, so why not remind oneself of this every day to spread positivity?

This method of gratitude is seen as a fantastic way to boost positive thinking and behavior amidst different situations, rather than dwelling on the negatives. Practising it could be as simple as jotting down three things that one felt grateful for during the day, such as enjoying a cup of coffee with a close friend or spending time with family after a tiring day.

Avoid taking things personally

Always remember that interpreting every situation and criticism on a personal level is not conducive to positive behaviour. Other people’s opinions and actions are simply reflections of their own personalities and perspectives, and they may not necessarily apply to the individual receiving them. Internalising these criticisms unintentionally grants others control over one’s emotions, which invites negativity. It is crucial to show self-compassion and not allow anyone to diminish one’s self-worth and dignity.

For instance, rather than feeling offended and embarrassed if a coworker speaks in a hostile or unkind manner, it is important to approach the situation positively and refrain from taking things personally. The other person might be dealing with personal struggles or distressing news, leading to their behaviour being a reflection of their emotions.

Maintaining a smile and a sense of humour

Laughter and smiles trigger the release of hormones associated with happiness, such as dopamine and endorphins, while reducing stress. It is advisable to smile and laugh regularly, actively seeking joy in life rather than waiting for external triggers. Individuals should be creating these moments themselves, whether by watching a comedy film or sharing funny jokes with friends.

Looking at the bright side

Every individual moulds their own reality, deciding what brings them discomfort and frustration, or happiness and confidence. It is wise to select battles carefully and focus on the brighter side of things, as replacing negative thoughts with positive ones can lead to better outcomes and greater positivity.

For instance, one might feel embarrassed if criticized for their way of eating, or they might laugh it off and consider it as a friendly joke. Likewise, being stuck at a traffic light could provoke anger or be seen as an opportunity to listen to podcasts or favourite radio shows.

Having a positive social circle

Positivity and negativity are undeniably contagious! Being in the company of positive individuals increases happiness and self-respect, fostering a more optimistic and energetic outlook. The contrary also holds true. Therefore, it is wise to carefully choose friends and cultivate relationships with positive, optimistic people who embrace life’s bright side and offer support and motivation to others.

In conclusion

It is important to bear in mind that positive behaviour significantly enhances psychological health by reducing negative emotions and facilitating quicker recovery from setbacks. This fosters feelings of contentment and a greater enjoyment of life. Optimistic and positive individuals generally experience a higher quality of life compared to peers.

Moreover, positive behaviour also contributes to improved physical health. Many medical studies have proved that people who maintain positive thinking and behaviors are less prone to dying from symptoms like heart disease and brain strokes, compared to peers of similar age who adopt a more negative outlook on life.


[1] psychologytoday.com, Four Simple Ways to Develop a More Positive Attitude
[2] hubspot.com, 10 Creative Ways to Keep a Positive Attitude No Matter What
[3] lifehack.org, 15 Tips for Maintaining a Positive Attitude Every Day
[4] betterup.com, How (and why) to cultivate a positive mental attitude
[5] healthline.com, Positive Self-Talk: How Talking to Yourself Is a Good Thing

September 10, 2024 / 12:30 PM

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