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Enhancing personal development: skills you need to work on

September 10, 2024 / 12:13 PM
Enhancing personal development - skills you need to work on
Personal development entails acquiring new knowledge and skills that enhance an individual’s ability to succeed and help them achieve their aspirations, goals, and dreams. Change does not occur overnight simply by wishing for it; it requires constant work, effort, and perseverance.

While personal development is an attainable goal, it necessitates following the correct approach and investing considerable efforts to achieve the optimal results. Listed below is a series of steps, skills, methods, and ideas to help with personal development:

Reading regularly

Reading is one of the most essential sources of knowledge, providing access to new information and ideas. It helps expand intellectual horizons and fosters personal development.

Maximising reading efficiency requires making reading a consistent element of one’s daily routine. It also requires diversifying reading materials across different fields and authors from various countries.

People who prefer listening to reading can utilise audiobooks or podcasts (radio programs) available on diverse topics such as health, sports, artificial intelligence, women and youth, and much more.

Moreover, reading books about personal development, career fields, or personal interests can be beneficial for growth. For instance, aspiring entrepreneurs can read resources that help them develop in their specific business areas.

Here is an idea: electronic books (PDF) are very popular in this digital age. They offer a convenient solution for those who struggle to incorporate traditional reading into their daily routines. These books can be easily downloaded on mobiles, making them accessible anytime and anywhere.

Learning new things

Personal development is not only limited to improving one’s personality; it encompasses different levels of mental, physical, and emotional growth. It helps people create a better version of themselves.

Learning new hobbies or skills, such as pottery, cooking, or web design, can effectively contribute to personal development and growth. Learning a new language can also be beneficial, as it involves acquiring a cultural understanding of its native speakers, thereby enriching one’s global perspective. 

In this regard, the Federal Youth Authority’s hubs, located in different regions of the UAE, offer youths the chance to utilise and develop their intellectual and creative potential. These hubs provide young people with opportunities to meet like-minded individuals and share experiences and knowledge, fostering their creativity and helping them develop.

Writing goals no matter how small

Writing goals play a vital role in personal development. A 2007 study by Gail Mathews, a psychology professor at Dominican University in California, found that people who write down their goals are 42% more likely to achieve them.

Goals written in notebooks or on whiteboards in homes, offices, or bedrooms can greatly impact individuals. They serve as constant reminders, encouraging reflection on one’s progress and motivating further growth. 

Individuals can stay motivated by choosing scalable goals that can be broken into smaller, achievable tasks instead of fretting over unattainable, far-fetched ones.

Also, creating daily, weekly, and monthly plans ensures a logical approach to goal-setting and achieving, helping individuals maintain their motivation. 

Changing the daily routine

Adopting a daily routine that clearly sets work, productivity, and leisure hours can inspire personal development differently.

One can incorporate activities like early morning reading or learning into their routine. They can also enjoy the sunlight and engage in early physical activities, like doing a 30-minute workout three times a week. These small steps can significantly impact one’s personal development journey. 

Moreover, eliminating bad habits, like late-night TV watching or overeating junk food, can enhance productivity and accelerate personal development. 

Joining new training courses

New training courses offer unique personal and professional growth opportunities. Enrolling in these courses helps develop essential skills for students and professionals alike. 

To make the process more practical and flexible, one can start with shorter courses to avoid frustration. Gradually progressing from single-session courses to longer ones, whether online or in-person, can maintain motivation while enhancing skills and knowledge. 

Ultimately, change and development require considerable time and effort, making patience and flexibility two crucial keys to personal growth. 

An excellent example of these courses and programs is those offered by the UAE government, especially the free training courses offered by the TDRA Virtual Academy. The academy offers more than 50 online and in-person business and technology courses for interested individuals. 

Creating a catalytic and inspiring environment

The environment and personal surroundings significantly influence an individual's progress; they can either inspire and catalyse personal growth or frustrate and hinder it. Therefore, creating an inspiring environment is crucial to promoting positivity and willingness to develop and work harder.

Taking serious steps in life starts from the small details. For example, individuals with messy and monotonous spaces should consider making them more vibrant and filling them with items that positively affect their psyche. Additionally, buying new furniture or renovating existing pieces can make living spaces more spacious and comfortable.

Surrounding oneself with positive individuals who encourage, love, teach, and challenge each other is also essential for personal growth. Avoiding the influence of negative individuals is important, as they impede progress. 

Moreover, learning how to deal with unavoidable negative people, such as frustrating team members at work, is essential to manage interactions with them effectively and maintain positivity and progress. 

Turning mistakes into learning opportunities

Failure can often lead to fear of making mistakes and embarrassment in front of others, which becomes a major obstacle to personal development.

Therefore, it is important not to dwell on mistakes too long but to view them as learning opportunities. Setting small, achievable steps and goals can encourage positive change towards goals and help uncover hidden abilities and skills.

Getting out of the comfort zone

Remaining in the comfort zone can cause stagnation and hinder progress in many aspects of one’s life. On the other hand, getting out of the comfort zone to achieve goals and personal growth requires embracing bravery and a sense of adventure. 

Moreover, taking responsibility for the outcomes of one's decisions and adventures is crucial. Individuals must be patient and avoid rushing results, continuing their efforts until they achieve the desired goals or even surpass them. 

Consequently, individuals should quickly recover from setbacks and avoid dwelling on failures. They should know that progress is not instantaneous but rather gradual, requiring patience and continuous efforts.

Overcoming the enemies of success: stress and anxiety

Stress and anxiety are the biggest enemies of success and development; they distract the focus from achieving goals and hinder development plans. 

Managing these feelings and maintaining a relaxed and calm demeanour is essential for steady progress. Hence, learning self-control strategies and avoiding stress are crucial for personal development. 

Furthermore, engaging in fun and enjoyable activities with friends and family is also important for maintaining mental, physical, and psychological health throughout the journey. 


[1] berkeleywellbeing, Self Development: The 9 Skills You Need to Improve Your Life
[2] indeed, 9 Effective Ways To Improve Yourself and Your Career
[3] lifehack, 42 Practical Ways to Start Working on Self-Improvement
[4] medicinenet, How Can I Improve Myself Every Day?
[5] insularlife, Practical Ways to Start Working on Self-Improvement
[6] hub.youth.gov.ae, Creative hubs

September 10, 2024 / 12:13 PM

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