The initiatives focus on elevating self-defense sports, their facilities, and the supporting technologies and tools that accelerate the pace of achievement. This includes empowering the club's talents and players to reach local and international accomplishments, supporting advanced data monitoring and analysis systems that contribute to talent development, and consolidating the global status of the Emirate of Sharjah in self-defense sports through organizing international events. Additionally, the initiatives aim to contribute to the sustainability of resources and effective partnerships that serve mutual benefits, and encouraging local and international entities to choose Sharjah as a global destination for camps and activities, and to benefit from its practices.
Furthermore, the club will continue its efforts to develop national competencies through programs that contribute to achieving job satisfaction, growth, skill enhancement, and fostering innovative institutional practices. The club seeks to implement digitization practices in its systems and operations, introduce artificial intelligence and virtual training to achieve global competitiveness and leadership in the field.