

Solar panels in space could send power to Earth 24/7

April 07, 2024 / 11:28 PM
Sharjah 24 – Reuters: A UK startup claims to have developed a solution for generating affordable and consistent energy around the clock, year-round.
The innovative approach involves utilizing solar panels in space instead of on Earth. These panels would capture sunlight, convert it into electricity, and then transform it into microwaves. These microwaves would be transmitted to a ground station connected to the local power grid.

Space Solar, the company behind the idea, envisions deploying large satellites in orbit to harness abundant solar energy and transmit it to Earth. This would provide continuous gigawatt-scale power, unaffected by day, night, or weather conditions, thus offering a promising option for future clean energy needs.

The company recently demonstrated a small-scale version of their concept, named Harrier. This demonstration showcases the ability to steer a microwave beam from a geostationary satellite, ensuring it remains aligned with both the sun and its target on Earth as it orbits.

According to Martin Soltau, co-founder of Space Solar, the technology, known as CASSIOPeiA, boasts significant advantages. It operates without any moving parts, reducing both weight and cost compared to traditional systems.

Soltau emphasizes the cost-effectiveness of space-based solar power, highlighting its potential to rival wind and terrestrial solar energy production while being substantially cheaper than nuclear power. The high energy yield of solar panels in space, which can be up to 13 times greater than those on Earth, is cited as a key factor driving the economic viability of this innovative approach.
April 07, 2024 / 11:28 PM

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