

SRTA launches 3 innovative projects in UAE Innovation Month

February 19, 2024 / 8:19 PM
Sharjah24: Dr. Eng. Mohsin Ali Balwan, Director of Traffic Engineering at the Sharjah Roads and Transport Authority, revealed the participation of the authority in 3 innovative and sustainable projects as part of the activities of the UAE Innovation Month.
Dr. Eng. Mohsin Ali Balwan, Director of Traffic Engineering at the Sharjah Roads and Transport Authority, announced the launch of 3 innovative and sustainable projects by the Sharjah Roads and Transport Authority as part of the UAE Innovation Month, at the authority's headquarters.

In exclusive statements to "Sharjah 24," Dr. Eng. Mohsin Balwan explained that the projects include a "Smart Traffic Control System," a "Warning Device for Taxi Brake Lights," and a "Device for Reading and Checking Taxi Meters' Distance." These projects are part of the authority's efforts to enhance innovation in the field of transportation and roads in Sharjah.

The Director of Traffic Engineering highlighted the first project, which is the "Smart Traffic Control System as it utilizes artificial intelligence and algorithms to manage traffic signals, aiming to reduce traffic congestion and prioritize emergency vehicles. This system represents a significant step towards improving road efficiency and safety in Sharjah.

The second project involves the development of a "Warning Device for Taxi Brake Lights." This device operates in three stages of light warning to effectively alert other vehicles, contributing to reducing accidents.

As for the third project, it focuses on the development of a "Device for Reading and Checking Taxi Meters' Distance" to ensure accurate meter readings and achieve transparency for passengers.

Dr. Eng. Mohsin Ali further added that these projects are part of the authority's commitment to providing more advanced and secure services to citizens and residents in the emirate, offering a distinctive and safe experience in transportation and roads services.
February 19, 2024 / 8:19 PM

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