

Al Hammadi: Education is a solution to challenges facing humanity

January 23, 2024 / 4:46 PM
Sharjah 24: On the occasion of the International Day of Education, Mariam Al Hammadi, Director-General of The Big Heart Foundation, said: "Education represents one of the most radical and essential solutions to the challenges facing humanity in the world today, especially humanitarian challenges related to conflicts, wars, and the resulting conditions of refuge, unemployment, disease, and poverty.”
“What distinguishes education is that its results and impacts are immediate, strategic, and sustainable at the same time. Investing in the knowledge and awareness of individuals and communities and promoting their development is the primary and fundamental pillar to ensure a qualitative and positive transformation in the reality of societies, especially those facing harsh or difficult conditions due to any developmental, humanitarian, or natural challenges," she added.

She went on: "In light of the wars and conflicts witnessed by the region and the world, the slogan of this year's International Day of Education (Learning for Lasting Peace) is a call to mobilise international efforts to stop the war and end the causes of destruction and devastation in the world. Peace is no longer a negotiable option, but rather a priority for any step the world aspires towards progress. In this context, the need for peace is equal to the need for education, as hate speech, racism, and discrimination will decline with higher levels of education. The reality of refugees and people in need will change for the better, lowering unemployment, poverty, and disease rates, in the presence of good education and with the growing awareness of every individual's right to knowledge."
January 23, 2024 / 4:46 PM

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