During the meeting, His Highness listened to an overview of the UAE's particular projects in the water, electricity, and energy sectors as these projects enable UAE to adopt the best technical and environmental standards and specifications and help reach its energy-related objectives.

His Highness was informed about the plans and strategies of Etihad Water and Electricity, which helps to promote sustainable development and rationalize energy use while also developing the infrastructure of its facilities and providing water and electricity services.

The meeting discussed Sharjah's projects in water security and achieving self-sufficiency, their importance in meeting water needs in crises, their sustainable environmental role, and their impact on the level of decent family life in the Emirate of Sharjah.

The meeting was attended by Saeed Al Suwaidi, Chairman of the Sharjah Electricity, Water and Gas Authority, and Engineer Yousef Ahmed Al Ali, CEO of Etihad Water and Electricity.