

Khorfakkan sees diverse candidates' engagement in SCC elections

October 31, 2023 / 7:14 PM
Image for the title: Khorfakkan sees diverse candidates' engagement in SCC elections
Sharjah 24: Engineer Fawzia Al Qadi, Head of Khorfakkan Constituency Committee, confirmed that the first day of candidates' registration for Sharjah Consultative Council (SCC) elections saw diverse candidates wishing to run including males, females, and people with disabilities.
Engineer Fawzia Al Qadi, Head of Khorfakkan Constituency Committee, urged the city's residents who wish to run in the 2023 Sharjah Consultative Council elections to quickly register themselves on the candidate lists within the legal period.

Speaking exclusively to Sharjah 24, Al Qadi said that with the registration opening, the committee saw a large turnout from those wishing to run for SCC membership, pointing out the diversity of candidates including males and females, and people with disabilities.

Al Qadi stated that the process of registering candidates continues daily from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., for 3 consecutive days, along with registering voter lists.
October 31, 2023 / 7:14 PM

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