

Tariq Allay: Sharjah Press Club organizes discussion session

October 26, 2023 / 3:18 PM
Sharjah24: His Excellency Tariq Saeed Allay, Director-General of the Sharjah Government Media Bureau (SGMB), stated that the Sharjah Press Club, in cooperation with Sharjah Social Services Department (SSSD) , organized a discussion session that brought together officials of the Department with representatives of local media.
The Director General of SGMB, thanked and appreciated SSSD , represented by the Chairperson of the Department, Her Excellency Afaf Al Marri, and Ahmed Al Meel, Director of SSSD, for giving the media a chance to learn about the services offered in the Sharjah Press Club's "Tawasul" project and for hosting them in the Department. 

Allay said in exclusive statements to Sharjah 24: "The Tawasul initiative aims to promote positive rapprochement among various media outlets and government agencies in the Emirate of Sharjah, and exchange viewpoints that contribute to serving society, while identifying any obstacles facing them through a series of periodic meetings that bring together representatives of media institutions and officials of government agencies.
October 26, 2023 / 3:18 PM

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