

SIAC sees women's participation for the first time

September 18, 2023 / 8:22 PM
Image for the title: SIAC sees women's participation for the first time
Sharjah24: The Sharjah International Marine Sports Club's second round of the United Arab Emirates Flyboard Championship and the Sharjah International Aquabike Championship (SIAC) came to an end on Friday night.
There were 55 racers from 10 nations racing in 6 categories during the second round, which was held on the beaches of Khan Lake in the city of Sharjah and received a lot of interest. One exciting development is the debut of a women's category.

Omar Abdullah Al-Rashid won the GP1 category in the ski division, while Huraiz Al-Mur bin Huraiz won the GP2 2-stroke category. Saud Mohammed Al-Awadhi took first place in the Ski Junior 3.3 category.

Rinad Hafiz came out on top in the women's division, which was contested for the first time this year. Rashid Al-Dawas won the Runabout GP1 category, while Ahmad Al-Harami won the Runabout Spark GP4 category. Flyboard's title went to Maani Al-Marzouqi.

Khaled Jasim Al-Madfa lauded the club's staff, led by Ahmed Al-Husani, for their efforts in preparing the race venue to meet preparedness and safety criteria and in providing the required assistance for the racers.

He emphasised the importance of women's engagement in marine sports, saying that it provides an opportunity for other women who enjoy these activities to get involved, try out new water sports, and compete at both the local and international levels. He hoped for happiness and security for everyone.
September 18, 2023 / 8:22 PM

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