

Bin Darwish: DSCD organises 4 sessions, 2 inspirational talks

September 13, 2023 / 7:39 PM
Sharjah 24:The Department of Statistics and Community Development (DSCD) in Sharjah organised workshops that addressed the topics of “Discussions that Develop Communities,” within the activities of the 12th edition of the International Forum for Government Communication.
Salem Ali bin Darwish, Director of the Support Services and Government Communication Department at the Department of Statistics and Community Development,  told “Sharjah 24” that the participation includes 4 sessions and two inspiring speeches over two days. Today’s sessions included empowering families and supporting the prosperity of nations, and a new form of soft power while an inspiring speech focused on “mental health, the path to productivity”.

Salem Ali bin Darwish pointed out that the number of speakers reached more than 14, and the department aims to open the door to dialogue among the participants about the importance of community development, and we witnessed a large turnout from the audience during today’s sessions.
September 13, 2023 / 7:39 PM

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