

Dr. Mahdi: conference of university presidents discusses 4 goals

May 31, 2023 / 3:52 PM
Image for the title: Dr. Mahdi: conference of university presidents discusses 4 goals
Sharjah 24: The third conference of Arab and Russian university presidents, of the Federation of Arab and Russian Universities, on Wednesday, hosted by the University of Sharjah, kicked off, in the presence of His Highness Sheikh Sultan bin Ahmed bin Sultan Al Qasimi, Deputy Ruler of Sharjah and President of the University of Sharjah.
Dr. Hussein Al Mahdi, Chairman of the Organising Committee of the conference of Arab and Russian university presidents, explained that the conference, in its third edition, will discuss 4 main topics over two days. The first topic will tackled developing strategies for research and student cooperation; the second will tackle academic accreditation in the UAE, Arab countries and Russia; the third topic will tackle research exchange between students on all levels; and finally digital transformation and the challenges facing global education.

Speaking exclusively to Sharjah 24, Al Mahdi stated that the participation of more than 200 universities, in this conference, from more than 21 countries, will create a suitable environment for signing cooperation agreements, especially in the field of scientific research, and give an opportunity for universities in the Arab world to cooperate, indicating that Dr. Sultan Al Qasimi Centre will host the activities of the second day of the conference.
May 31, 2023 / 3:52 PM

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