

U.S. and French citizens flee fighting in Sudan

April 23, 2023 / 10:36 AM
Sharjah24 - AFP: As other governments worked to assist their nationals from lethal violence between competing generals, US forces swooped in on helicopters to remove embassy workers from the capital of the conflict-torn Sudan, President Joe Biden stated Sunday.

France on Sunday also launched evacuation operations from the northeast African nation, where fighting has entered its second week.

Ferocious battles between the Sudanese army and a paramilitary group -- which has seen fighter jets launch airstrikes and street fighting with tanks in densely populated Khartoum -- have killed more than 400 people and left thousands wounded.

Biden, who said the US military "conducted an operation" to extract US government personnel, called for an immediate ceasefire and condemned the deadly violence.

"It's unconscionable and it must stop," he said in a statement.

Just over 100 US special operations troops took part in the rescue to extract fewer than 100 people, which saw three Chinook helicopters fly from Djibouti, staying on the ground in Khartoum for less than an hour.

France's foreign ministry said Sunday a "rapid evacuation operation" had begun, and that European citizens and those from "allied partner countries" would also be assisted, without giving further details.
April 23, 2023 / 10:36 AM

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