

"Sharjah Sports" keeps pace with “Pro League" with special pgrms

September 01, 2022 / 5:40 PM
Sharjah 24: Sharjah Sports Channel, which is affiliated with the Sharjah Broadcasting Authority, keeps pace with the launch of the UAE Professional League with an exceptional programme package that introduces fans to the latest developments and equipment associated with the new season’s tournaments and. It also hosts elite sports pundits and analysts to put fans on the new season's highlights, team levels and expert expectations.
Through this exceptional programme package, which is also shown through the channel’s accounts on social media and the “Mirrors” platform, the audience will know all the details and answers to the questions that football fans have, especially those inquiries related to attending matches, the requirements to be followed, and the precautionary measures adopted during the matches, especially with the UAE’s success in containing the Covid 19 epidemic, and moving to the recovery stage.

The "Sports Line" programme also receives interventions and discussions from sports officials and league organisers, in addition to communications from the general public, to get their opinions and suggestions about the start of the new season of the most important league in the local sports arena.

September 01, 2022 / 5:40 PM

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