

Al Mazrouei: UAE… a pioneer in forecasting energy sector’s future

June 09, 2022 / 6:13 PM
Sharjah24 – WAM: Suhail bin Mohammed Al Mazrouei, Minister of Energy and Infrastructure, said that the UAE, under the directives of its wise leadership, is continuing its pioneering efforts to forecast the future of the energy sector, in cooperation with its global partners, and has become a globally trusted energy supplier.
He made this statement during his participation as the head of a UAE delegation to the 'MENA Europe Future Energy Dialogue', which is being held at the King Husssein Bin Talal Convention Centre, Dead Sea, Jordan.

Al Mazrouei joined the Minister of Energy and Trade of the Czech Republic and the Egyptian Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources in a ministerial panel discussion on the prospects for partnerships between the Middle East and North Africa, during which they explored most prevalent global challenges and the future of energy, including climate change and digital tech solutions.

The UAE minister said that his country is continuing its work with international partners to shape the future of the energy sector, which is currently seeing great challenges due to current global geopolitical issues.

During his participation in the ministerial panel, he underscored the UAE's Net Zero by 2050 strategic initiative, which is a culmination of the UAE's efforts aimed at helping mitigate climate change, and as well as its work to transform challenges in this sector into opportunities to build a brighter future.

Al Mazrouei said that the MENA Europe Future Energy Dialogue comes after the recent announcement of the Industrial Partnership for Sustainable Economic Growth with Jordan and Egypt, which confirms the UAE's firm approach to strengthening international partnerships for a more prosperous and stable future.

During the conference, which features around 700 participants from around the world and is organised by Jordan's Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, in cooperation with Germany, a joint declaration was signed by the participating countries announcing climate action ambitions in the MENA region.

The conference will also see the signing of agreements establishing road maps to build regional and continental bridges connecting energy markets, and establishing terms to develop bilateral and multipartite cooperation projects.

The UAE delegation includes Ahmed Ali Mohammed Al Balushi, UAE Ambassador to Jordan, a number of officials from the Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure, representatives from the Ministry of Climate Change and Environment and the Office of the UAE Special Envoy for Climate Change.
June 09, 2022 / 6:13 PM

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