

Exceptional low tide leaves canals almost empty in Venice

February 28, 2021 / 6:34 AM
Image for the title: Exceptional low tide leaves canals almost empty in Venice
Sharjah24 – Reuters: An exceptional low tide left Venice's famous canals almost dry on Friday (February 26).
Traditional gondolas and boats could be seen almost beached in the canals as water levels reached a peak of -48 cm, creating an unusual landscape in the lagoon city.

Venice, beloved around the world for its canals, historic architecture and art, has always lived in a fragile balance between low and high tides, that usually create variations of around 50 cm in sea levels.

Flooding is a constant enemy of the art city built on a collection of small islands within a saltwater lagoon off the north-eastern coast of Italy, with every new incursion damaging its medieval and Renaissance palaces.

Venice's floods, "acqua alta" in Italian, are caused by a combination of factors, exacerbated by climate change -- from rising sea levels and unusually high tides to land subsidence that has caused the ground level of the city to sink.
February 28, 2021 / 6:34 AM

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