

NCM: Monday’s weather clear to partly cloudy

March 02, 2025 / 10:00 PM
NCM: Monday’s weather clear to partly cloudy
Sharjah 24 – WAM: The National Centre of Meteorology (NCM) forecasts generally clear weather for Monday, with periods of partial cloudiness.

Humidity and light fog

The weather will be humid at night and into Tuesday morning, particularly in some internal areas, with a possibility of light fog formation.

Wind conditions

Winds will be light to moderate, occasionally active, with a northwesterly to northeasterly direction. Wind speeds are expected to range between 10 to 25 km/h, reaching up to 40 km/h at times.

Sea conditions

In the Arabian Gulf, waves will be rough to moderate. Tides are as follows:

  • First high tide: 15:28
  • Second high tide: 03:51
  • First low tide: 09:15
  • Second low tide: 21:29

In the Sea of Oman, waves will be moderate to light. Tides are as follows:

  • First high tide: 12:29
  • Second high tide: 00:01
  • First low tide: 00:18
  • Second low tide: 06:44
March 02, 2025 / 10:00 PM

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