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How to deal with forgetfulness: tips to improve your memory

September 11, 2024 / 1:58 PM
How to deal with forgetfulness - tips to improve your memory
Many people often forget routine tasks due to life’s constant distractions and stresses. These tasks might range from misplacing phones to struggling to remember email passwords or doctor appointments. This common phenomenon is influenced by the demands of modern life.

Given the daily stresses and distractions, occasional lapses in memory are quite normal. While these moments can be frustrating, they are a normal part of everyone’s life. Here are some strategies to enhance memory and minimise forgetfulness:

Exercising regularly

Research findings from the National Library of Medicine (NLM) in 2011 underscored the positive effects of consistent exercise on brain health, such as reducing the risk of dementia with age.

Engaging in regular physical activity is not only crucial for physical well-being but also for mental health. It enhances blood and oxygen circulation throughout the body, promoting heightened awareness and concentration. Additionally, exercise acts as a preventive measure against conditions such as heart disease and diabetes, which can contribute to cognitive decline and memory loss.

To ease into exercise, start with a small but consistent routine. Aim for 15 minutes of light activity, such as brisk walking or yoga, on a regular basis. These gentle exercises have shown promise in boosting memory strength, as indicated by a study published on PubMed Central in 2013. The study found that “a moderate session of 15 minutes may hold important benefits for both affective experience and cognitive performance regardless of age.”

Memory can be enhanced by taking simple steps to prioritise overall health and brain function. Integrating exercise into daily life involves scheduling dedicated time for physical activity that aligns with one’s daily routine, whether in the morning or after work. Additionally, seize everyday opportunities to engage in physical movements, such as opting for stairs over escalators and walking to nearby stores instead of driving. These incremental changes can contribute significantly to memory enhancement and well-being.

Maintaining tidiness and order

In a 2011 study by the Princeton Neurology Institution (PNI), researchers discovered that abundant visual stimuli can divert the brain’s attention and impede its ability to process information effectively. Simplifying one’s surroundings enables the brain to concentrate more effectively on tasks and details.

This underscores the importance of maintaining order to daily life, such as keeping the living space or workspace tidy. By minimising clutter and creating a more organised environment, one can focus more on important tasks and reduce the likelihood of distractions that contribute to forgetfulness.

Additionally, it is essential to manage time and priorities effectively. Establishing a daily schedule, setting achievable goals, and prioritising tasks can help diminish the chances of forgetting important information and enhance the capacity to retain it.

In today’s digital era, utilising smartphone applications such as Todoist and Any.do can assist in task management and prioritisation. Platforms like Google Calendar and Microsoft Outlook prove invaluable for organising daily schedules and scheduling appointments efficiently.

However, it is crucial to maintain a balanced approach to reliance on these applications. Overdependence on technology can actually weaken memory instead of fortifying it.

Engaging in brain exercise

A study published by the National Library of Medicine (NLM) in 2017 examined 42 individuals experiencing mild cognitive impairment. The study demonstrated that their memory performance improved significantly after engaging in a stimulating brain-training game for eight hours over the course of four weeks.

Engaging in leisure activities can have significant benefits for mental health. Among these benefits are memory enhancement and mental stimulation, which can be achieved through playing mind-stimulating games such as crossword puzzles, spot-the-difference challenges, solving puzzles, and playing chess.

Other activities to consider include reading, learning new skills, or volunteering for charitable causes, all of which contribute to mental stimulation and memory improvement. The key is to find activities that keep the brain alert and active. It is also effective to create specific techniques to stimulate memory, like practising memorisation of numbers or daily details during routine tasks or queue-waiting. These activities enhance the brain’s ability to retain information and lessen the likelihood of forgetting.

Prioritising sleep

A 2009 study by the College of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania asserted that “sleep improves memory retention and recall by between 20 and 40 percent.”Insufficient sleep is a primary culprit for forgetfulness , making it crucial to prioritize adequate sleep for memory enhancement.

 Maintaining an organised sleep schedule is imperative, even on vacation days. Creating a comfortable sleep environment entails dim lighting, minimising noise, refraining from using electronic devices before bedtime, and avoiding caffeine-containing beverages at night. Experts recommend that adults aim for at least 7 hours of sleep per night consistently to sustain their overall health.

Minding your diet

Proper nutrition is crucial for maintaining a healthy brain, emphasising the importance of a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, protein, and whole grains. A 2017 review of nine studies involving 31,104 individuals, published by the National Library of Medicine, concluded that an increased consumption of fruit and vegetables significantly reduces the risk of cognitive impairment and dementia.

However, caution is needed regarding the consumption of sugar and carbohydrates. A 2014 study, also published by the National Library of Medicine, linked diets high in refined carbohydrate to dementia, cognitive decline, and impaired cognitive function.

Similarly, a 2016 study affirmed that long-term sugar-rich diets impair memory and are inconsistently associated with inflammation and neurogenesis in brain areas crucial for memory.

Quick tips to avoid forgetfulness

Enhancing memory strength and addressing forgetfulness involves maintaining proper hydration levels. Drinking water is essential for overall health and maximising brain function.

Paying attention to dietary habits, especially consuming fatty fish like salmon and tuna or taking fish oil supplements, is crucial for memory improvement. Research conducted by the National Institutes of Health in 2015 uncovered that the “clinical trials supplementing DHA, alone or in combination with EPA, to older adults reported a significant improvement in immediate recall among individuals with mild memory complaints.”

Developing new skills that challenge the brain, like learning a new language, adopting a fresh exercise routine, or participating in group interactions, can help maintain cognitive awareness. Concentrating during the learning process and ensuring a calm environment can strengthen memory.

Utilising mental imaging techniques, such as, such as visualizing numbers on a phone screen or employing association methods. These techniques can facilitate the memorization of new information.

Refraining from smoking is an effective measure of improving memory. Smoking is not just a bad habit; it poses a real threat to the health of brain cells and memory function.

Investing in memory enhancement

Life’s intricacies resemble delicate threads that link a person to achieving success and improving their quality of life. By holding onto the details of work and meetings, individuals equip themselves to make wise decisions and achieve professional success. Recalling the nuances of friends and family—such as birthdays and special events—adds warmth and strengthens connections. Being attentive to children’s achievements and needs offers them vital emotional support.

In essence, improving memory serves as a gateway to positive impacts across various aspects of life, be it work, family relationships, or self-care. It is important to recognise that self- improvement requires both time and patience. One must also recognise that achieving 100% efficient memory is unrealistic despite efforts to strengthen the memory.


[1] helpguide.org, How to Improve Your Memory
[2] mayoclinic.org, Memory Loss
[3] health.umms.org, 8 Steps to Help Forgetfulness
[4] healthline.com, Ways to Improve Memory

September 11, 2024 / 1:58 PM

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