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Eat Smart, Live Well: Benefits of Healthy Eating

September 05, 2024 / 2:54 PM
أثر التغذية السليمة في الصحة
"To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art". This artistic description by the renowned writer La Rochefoucauld perfectly encapsulates the essence of proper nutrition.

A person must consume their food thoughtfully and wisely, always prioritising quality over quantity. Proper nutrition means understanding the nutritional value of the food one consumes, as well as ensuring meals are rich in essential minerals and vitamins so that the body can obtain the energy needed for optimal function.

To fully grasp the importance and the necessity of healthy and nutritious food, one must understand its profound impact on overall health, in addition to some essential nutritional tips provided by experts.

Maintaining heart health

To maintain a healthy heart and reduce the risk of common heart diseases caused by poor dietary choices, it is crucial to prioritise consuming foods beneficial to heart health. These include fruits and vegetables in their various forms and types, nuts, and whole grains such as wheat, oats, quinoa, and bulgur. Opting for whole-grain products like bread, pasta, and biscuits further enhances heart health. Incorporating low-fat dairy products and meats such as fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids (like salmon), chicken, and red meat is essential, while avoiding the fatty varieties.

Consuming these foods as part of a daily routine can help reduce the risk of heart disease by controlling blood pressure and cholesterol levels. The risk of contracting these diseases increases with higher consumption of salt and full-fat foods, which should be minimised whenever possible. Additionally, it is imperative to steer clear of food and beverages containing added sugars.

The Global Noncommunicable Diseases Report by the World Health Organization emphasises the importance of proper nutrition for a healthy heart. It highlights that individuals under 65 years old can protect themselves from 80% of early deaths associated with cardiovascular diseases by adopting healthy dietary habits, engaging in regular exercise, and refraining from smoking.

Maintaining healthy bones

Ensuring a balanced diet rich in calcium and magnesium greatly contributes to promoting strong teeth and bones and reducing the risk of developing brittle bone disease with age. Among the foods richest in these minerals are dairy products, certain fish varieties such as salmon or canned sardines, dark leafy vegetables like broccoli, turnips, and cabbage, calcium-fortified beverages, nuts, and whole grains such as wheat, oats, and bulgur, which all contribute to bone health.

Tip: Maintaining adequate vitamin D levels in the body enhances calcium absorption. Therefore, regularly being exposed to sunlight and incorporating vitamin D-rich foods into the diet, such as fatty fish and fortified grains, is essential.

Maintaining a strong memory over time

"A sound mind in a sound body" is a phrase we frequently encountered during our school years, which has proven correct over time. Proper nutrition is crucial in promoting good blood circulation to the brain, enhancing memory strength, and preventing diseases like Alzheimer's.

To maintain cognitive health and enhance memory retention, it is vital to include dark leafy vegetables such as broccoli and spinach, as well as nuts like almonds and walnuts. It is also beneficial to consume memory-boosting fruits like berries, cherries, peaches, and dried fruits like raisins.

Improving your digestive health

The colon naturally harbours bacteria that are crucial to digestion and metabolism. Some of these bacteria produce vitamins that combat harmful bacteria and viruses, thereby safeguarding the body against various diseases. Upholding a nutritious diet can help maintain the health of the intestines and reduce the risk of inflammation.

Some popular examples of healthy foods that promote digestive health include yoghourt, apples, fennel, chia seeds, papaya, whole grains rich in fibre such as oats and quinoa, and dark leafy vegetables like spinach, cabbage, and broccoli. Adding pickles, ginger, and salmon can also promote a healthier digestive system.

Boosting the immune system

Maintaining optimal immune system health requires consuming foods that support the immune function. Essential vitamins and minerals such as vitamins C, D, and B12, iron, zinc, and magnesium are crucial for the immune system to function effectively. To obtain these nutrients, it is important to include a balanced intake of healthy fats, proteins, and healthy carbohydrates in one's diet.

Some key examples of immune-boosting foods that help reduce the risk of diseases include citrus fruits such as oranges, tangerines, lemons, and grapefruits, papayas, kiwis, and certain vegetables like red peppers, broccoli, spinach, and garlic. Other examples include spices like ginger and turmeric, foods like chicken and oysters, and, of course, nuts, seeds, almonds, and sunflower seeds.

Reducing the risk of cancer

Consuming sufficient foods rich in antioxidants is recognized as an effective strategy to reduce the risk of the prevalent disease of this era, namely cancer. Maintaining a regular diet that includes these foods can improve cellular health and shield them from damage. Antioxidants found in nutritious foods assist in neutralising free radicals in the body, thereby decreasing the likelihood of developing this disease.

It is advisable to incorporate fruits, vegetables, nuts, legumes, and foods rich in vitamins A, C, and E into one's diet. Studies conducted by the National Institutes of Health have demonstrated that a fruit-rich diet can lower the risk of developing cancer in the upper digestive system.

Examples of antioxidant-rich foods include dark chocolate, nuts, certain fruits such as berries and strawberries, vegetables like red cabbage, beetroot, spinach, and okra, along with spices like ginger, garlic, turmeric, and certain herbs such as parsley, sage, and rosemary.

Raising fitness levels

Attaining a healthy weight can be accomplished by consuming nutritious foods without excessive calories beyond the body's needs. Including whole grains, lean proteins, vegetables, and fruits in appropriate portions aids in achieving and maintaining an optimal weight. This approach helps safeguard the body against numerous chronic diseases associated with obesity, such as arterial blockage, thyroid disorders, and diabetes.  

Raising happiness levels and overall mood

Many people kick-start their days with sugary treats or indulge in sugary foods daily, believing they offer a quick boost of happiness and energy. However, research conducted by experts indicates that high-sugar diets can actually exacerbate symptoms of depression, particularly in obese individuals with good health, as reported by the Medical News Today website in 2016.

Overindulging in carbohydrates and sugars not only triggers negative emotions such as anger and sadness but also disrupts sleep patterns and diminishes feelings of comfort, energy, and vitality the following day, ultimately impacting mood and mental well-being.

Opting for healthier options like complex carbohydrates, such as legumes and whole grains, which are digested more slowly, can significantly improve mood compared to sugary foods. These foods help stabilise blood sugar levels, providing sustained energy throughout the day without experiencing fatigue or lethargy.

Among the top healthy foods that may improve mood and enhance happiness include fatty fish like salmon and tuna, dark chocolate rich in cocoa and free of sugar, fermented foods like kefir and yoghourt, some fruits like bananas and berries, as well as oats, nuts, and seeds such as walnuts, almonds, and pine nuts, accompanied by sugar-free coffee for a daily pick-me-up.


[1] pbmchealth.org, The Effects of Proper Nutrition on the Body
[2] healthline.com, 9 Healthy Foods That Lift Your Mood
[3] tuftsmedicarepreferred.org, The Importance of Good Nutrition
[4] nhsinform.scot, Health benefits of eating well
[5] medicalnewstoday.com, What are the benefits of eating healthy?

September 05, 2024 / 2:54 PM

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